
Delete Yourself From the Internet

How to Delete Yourself from the Internet?

Have you ever typed your name on the Google search bar for fun and shockingly seen your profile appear in the search results? If yes, then to your rescue, you can delete yourself from the internet. In other words, your name and profile information that you see on a public link can either be made private or removed all together.
You must be wondering that how does your personal information become public on the search engine so easily? Well, most of the time this happens because of carelessness with our social media profiles.

Here’s how it works:

Situation 1: Your social media profile or profile information could have access for the public.

Situation 2: If you’re on Twitter, your tweets could be read privately.

Situation 3: On certain social media platforms, you could be tagged by anyone in their pictures or videos.

Situation 4: Anyone else who has access to your social media profiles or profiles on professional websites could misuse the information in their website.

For all the above situations, you have to ensure that you restore your privacy and get the links deleted. So, in order to delete your information from the internet, we’re here to help you.

Steps to Remove Yourself from the Internet

Whether it’s just a social media profile that appears on the google search, or something much weirder, it’s important that you protect your privacy. Hence, to remove yourself from the internet, just perform the following steps:

1. Remove Your Information from the Internet by Changing Social Media Account Settings

You’ll have to log in to all the social media accounts where you have your profile. Open your privacy settings and check what is available for the public or search engines to access. Remove access to your address, phone number, email id and other profile information present in your profile.

2. Remove Your Name from the Internet by Changing it in Social Media Profiles

Till you don’t get your information removed completely from other websites, you can change your profile name on social media. It doesn’t have to be a fake name – it could be something as simple as initials, or something funky so that your profile is protected and not viewed negatively by your friends.

3. Contact us for removing your information from other websites

We help people in regaining online reputation and securing their privacy from spammers as well as people who misuse social media profiles. You just need to type “remove my name from google search” in your query when you need us to remove you from the internet.

Our team of professional and legal consultants will ensure that you regain your privacy on the internet. Not only do we assist you in securing your social profiles, but also prevent people from misusing it without your permission.

No matter what kind of a site do you shockingly and unwantedly find your name and profile in – we’ll take immediate action to make sure it is gone.

When your name appears on a website along with your profile, you’re considered to be associated with it. So, if you’re not really connected to it, will you not delete yourself from the internet by any means than seeing yourself in a spammy or weird website?